Normal Post

Because my last post wasn’t exactly “normal,” I’ll be doing another one for you guys. I would like to tell you that I have been working like a dog on the love poem I’ve promised, however, that would be a lie. I want to write this poem I’m just afraid it will be too mushy and cliche, or it will be the whole “love isn’t a bouquet of roses it’s the smiles we share” thing which is sooooooooooo over done that it makes me want to barf. 
Anyway, moving on. About my last post “Nine Days Until Death” I decided to do that in the whole news reporter style because my English teacher last year made us do a project in the style of a newspaper article. She pretended to be different people for us to interview and then we wrote about the big thing that had happened. Throughout the interviews she kept looking at me, and she thought hard about the questions I asked. By the end of the thing she said that I was the only kid who took this assignment seriously and that I should consider a career as an investigative reporter for a newspaper or news show. As you all know, I want to be teacher. It’s all I talk about and it’s even on my bucket list!! Still, I should be looking at other occupational opportunities. Of course, the post I made in the news style was just for kicks and giggles, but it was kind of fun to try and observe every angle of the story. From the teens and kids, to the adults, to the stores, and even the kids without Summer vacation. I tried to add every point of view. I suppose it’s good to keep an open mind about all of this. But I think I need to remember that I’m only 14 (well almost 15) and I have time. I don’t have to be so worried yet….. Then again when haven’t I been worried about my future?? Oh well. Join us next time here at wordpress’s awesome blog 

Love Poem

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to write for my next poem and well, I’m thinking about doing a love poem. It can not be cliche though. It needs to be fresh and original, something new. Or maybe I’ll just forget the love poem…… I’m much better at depressing and inspirational poems. 
I also really need to continue writing my novel I am so behind. I keep saying that yet here I am, writing on my blog instead of in my novel. Eh, maybe I’ll write after breakfast, I’m hungry haha. It’s 10:10 and I haven’t gotten out of bed yet…. but I woke up at 7:00……. 
I also need to finish reading this book. It’s called Legend, and it is awesome. Speaking of books, I should recommend some to you guys. The Born at Midnight series is incredible. Also, I’ve been trying to read the House of Night series and it’s pretty good. 
Well, I need food xD okay byee.